Configure One To Many Relationship in MVC and EntityFrameWork
Relationships scenario( One To Many Relationship)
- Course can have multiple Students
- Student can select only one course
- Open the student table and add the Navigational property for course table
- Configure the Foreign key as CourseId to the Student Table
- Execute the command "ADD-Migration" in the package manager console after the modification in model file for configuring Foreign Key in Student table
- Script gets generated
- Once the script got generated, update the database.
- Once after executing the "Update-database" command in package manger console, script present in the "up method " of the configuration file will be executed in the SQL Server and Foreign Key will be created
- Add the required changes in the create action method in the Student Controller
- Create a dropdownlist in the viewpage for selecting the course for particular student in the "create.cshtml" view page
- Modify the Edit Action method and Edit.cshtml viewpage
- Run the application and test it.
- DropdownList for selecting the course will be present and
- 1 to Many Relationship and ForeignKey is configured and established
ReplyDeleteI want to avoid reference (course) When a student already has it. How is it done?
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